Lok Sabha Confronts Legacy of Emergency: Speaker Om Birla Leads Commemoration

Today, the Lok Sabha convened to confront the grim legacy of the Emergency imposed on India 50 years ago, as Speaker Om Birla delivered a poignant address recalling the dark chapter in the nation’s history. This solemn occasion saw parliamentarians from across the political spectrum reflect on the profound impact of the Emergency and reaffirm their commitment to upholding democratic values.

Speaker Om Birla commenced the session by unequivocally condemning the Emergency imposed on 25th June 1975, describing it as a severe infringement on civil liberties, media freedom, and democratic institutions. He paid tribute to the courageous individuals who defied the authoritarian measures of the time, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity and safeguarding the principles enshrined in India’s Constitution.

Emphasizing the significance of the day, Speaker Birla underscored the pivotal role of democratic ideals in shaping India’s identity as the world’s largest democracy. He invoked the visionary leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian Constitution, whose principles of justice, equality, and liberty continue to guide the nation.

During the proceedings, members of the Congress party registered their protest by raising slogans against the perceived erosion of constitutional norms under the current government. This symbolic act underscored ongoing debates over the protection of democratic institutions and fundamental rights in contemporary India.

In a solemn gesture, the Lok Sabha observed a moment of silence to honor the memory of those who sacrificed their lives during the Emergency, acknowledging their steadfast commitment to democratic values.

Subsequently, the House adopted a resolution unequivocally condemning the imposition of Emergency and reaffirming its commitment to preserving democratic freedoms and constitutional rights. The resolution served as a poignant reminder of India’s resilience and determination to safeguard democratic principles against any future threats.

The session concluded with a sense of solemnity and reflection, as parliamentarians renewed their pledge to uphold the values of democracy and protect the rights of all citizens. Speaker Om Birla’s leadership in commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Emergency underscored the Lok Sabha’s role as a custodian of India’s democratic heritage and aspirations for a brighter future.

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