Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde Lauds PM Modi’s Tenure, Foresees Global Power Status

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde delivered a resounding endorsement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s governance, hailing the transformative impact of his leadership over the past decade. Speaking in Mumbai, CM Shinde underscored the unparalleled development strides and global recognition India has attained under PM Modi’s stewardship, contrasting it with the Congress party’s historical tenure.

“The work done by PM Modi in the last 10 years surpasses what the Congress couldn’t achieve in 60 years. The unprecedented development and enhanced global stature of our country are a testament to his hard work,” CM Shinde remarked emphatically.

He further highlighted India’s amplified global influence, crediting PM Modi’s initiatives for elevating India’s voice on the world stage. “Previously, India’s voice didn’t carry weight globally, but today, the world listens to India. This transformation is a direct result of PM Modi’s relentless dedication,” CM Shinde asserted.

Looking ahead optimistically, CM Shinde predicted a robust future for India under PM Modi’s continued leadership. “During his third term, our economy is poised to become the third-largest globally. PM Modi’s vision and initiatives will propel our nation towards becoming a global power,” he declared.

The Chief Minister’s remarks resonate amidst ongoing political discourse and preparation for upcoming national dynamics. They underscore Maharashtra’s support for PM Modi’s leadership and policies, emphasizing the state’s alignment with the developmental agenda set forth by the central government.

As Maharashtra gears up for future challenges and opportunities, CM Shinde’s endorsement of PM Modi’s transformative vision reflects the state’s aspirations for sustained growth, prosperity, and enhanced global influence.

The sentiments expressed by CM Shinde highlight the broader consensus within Maharashtra regarding the positive impact of PM Modi’s governance, setting the stage for continued collaboration and progress in the state’s development trajectory.

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