Maharashtra Governor Advocates Compulsory NCC Training in Schools and Colleges Nationwide

Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais has called for the mandatory inclusion of National Cadet Corps (NCC) training in all schools and colleges across the country, citing its potential to instill discipline, patriotism, and a sense of responsibility among students.

Speaking at the felicitation ceremony of Governor’s citation to NCC Directorate Maharashtra in Mumbai, Governor Bais expressed his personal belief in the transformative power of NCC training. He referenced a recent accident in Pune, suggesting that had the minor accused been an NCC cadet, the incident might have been averted. According to him, the discipline and sense of duty instilled by NCC could have prevented such mishaps.

Governor Bais emphasized the importance of fostering a sense of dedication to the nation among young individuals, stressing that discipline is paramount for guiding them towards the right path. He praised the NCC for its role in shaping the character of youth and equipping them with essential life skills.

The felicitation ceremony served as an occasion to recognize the exemplary contributions of the NCC Directorate Maharashtra in promoting leadership, camaraderie, and community service among cadets. Governor Bais commended the efforts of NCC officials and cadets in upholding the organization’s values and ideals.

The Governor’s endorsement of compulsory NCC training resonates with ongoing discussions about educational reforms and the need to prioritize holistic development among students. Proponents argue that NCC participation not only fosters physical fitness and leadership qualities but also cultivates a sense of national pride and social responsibility.

As the call for mandatory NCC training gains momentum, stakeholders in the education sector are expected to engage in further deliberations regarding its implementation and potential benefits. Governor Bais’ remarks underscore the significance of instilling values of discipline and patriotism in the youth, paving the way for a more conscientious and empowered citizenry.

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