PM Modi Advocates for Global Heritage Preservation and Scientific Recognition

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a passionate address at the inaugural session of the 46th World Heritage Committee, emphasizing India’s profound heritage and its significant scientific contributions throughout history.

In his keynote speech, PM Modi highlighted India’s rich cultural tapestry, describing it as a living testament to millennia-old achievements. “India’s heritage is a treasure trove of not just history but also scientific advancements,” he remarked. He cited the example of Delhi, a city known globally as India’s capital but also revered for its extensive historical legacy. PM Modi specifically mentioned the iron pillar located near Delhi, standing for over 2,000 years without rusting—a testament to ancient India’s advanced metallurgical knowledge.

“The iron pillar near Delhi is more than a historical artifact; it is a marvel of ancient engineering,” PM Modi emphasized. He pointed out that such feats underscore India’s contributions to scientific understanding and technological innovation long before the modern era.

The World Heritage Committee session, attended by representatives from diverse nations, aims to address challenges in conserving and promoting cultural and natural heritage sites worldwide. PM Modi’s address resonated with participants, highlighting the importance of recognizing heritage not only for its historical value but also for its scientific significance.

“As custodians of rich cultural legacies, we must ensure that these treasures are preserved and appreciated globally,” PM Modi urged. He stressed the need for collaborative efforts among nations to protect and promote heritage sites, particularly in the face of modern challenges such as climate change and urbanization.

The session is expected to feature discussions on strategies to enhance international cooperation in heritage conservation and promote sustainable tourism practices. Participants will also explore innovative approaches to safeguarding heritage sites while fostering community engagement and economic development.

PM Modi concluded his address by reaffirming India’s commitment to preserving its heritage and contributing to global efforts in safeguarding cultural diversity and scientific heritage for future generations.

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