PM Modi Graces the RBI@90 Opening Ceremony in Mumbai

Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked his presence at the opening ceremony of the Reserve Bank of India’s 90th anniversary celebrations, held in Mumbai. The event, dubbed as RBI@90, was a significant occasion, commemorating the central bank’s nine decades of service to the nation’s economy.

PM Modi’s attendance at the event underscores the importance of the Reserve Bank of India in the country’s economic framework. His presence served as a testament to the government’s recognition of the central bank’s pivotal role in maintaining the country’s financial stability.

The RBI@90 event was a grand affair, attended by a host of dignitaries and key figures from the banking and finance sector. The ceremony was marked by a series of discussions and presentations highlighting the RBI’s journey over the years and its contributions to India’s economic growth.

In his address, PM Modi lauded the RBI for its relentless service to the nation. He acknowledged the central bank’s efforts in steering the country’s economy through various challenges and upheavals. The Prime Minister also emphasized the need for continued collaboration between the government and the RBI to ensure sustained economic growth and stability.

The RBI@90 event served as a platform for introspection on the central bank’s past and a discussion on its future role in the evolving economic landscape. It was an occasion to celebrate the RBI’s achievements and reaffirm its commitment to serving the nation’s economy.

As the event concluded, the attendees looked forward to the RBI’s continued service in the years to come. With the government’s support and the central bank’s unwavering commitment, the future of India’s economy looks promising.

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