PM Modi Urges Parliamentarians to Uphold Decorum Amidst Controversies

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a stern message in Parliament, urging lawmakers to uphold decorum and dignity amidst recent controversies. Addressing the House, PM Modi emphasized the need for responsible conduct to maintain the sanctity of legislative proceedings.

“When immaturity oversteps its bounds, it entangles everyone in Parliament. When it loses its limits, it casts glances within the chambers,” PM Modi remarked, highlighting the repercussions of lapses in parliamentary behavior.

PM Modi’s remarks come amid heightened scrutiny over parliamentary conduct and ethical standards. His call for introspection underscores the importance of maintaining civility and constructive dialogue in legislative debates.

Political leaders and observers responded to PM Modi’s address, stressing the imperative of respecting parliamentary norms and fostering a culture of mutual respect among lawmakers. The discourse aims to reinforce the integrity of democratic institutions and strengthen public confidence in governance.

As India navigates these challenges, discussions on enhancing parliamentary ethics and promoting responsible governance are expected to remain pivotal in national discourse.

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