PM Narendra Modi’s Rally in Dumka, Jharkhand: A Promise of Progress

In a recent public rally held in Dumka, Jharkhand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a significant announcement that has sparked a wave of anticipation among the citizens. The rally, which was part of the ongoing Lok Sabha Election 2024 campaign, saw the Prime Minister addressing a vibrant crowd, outlining his vision for the future.

A New Government and a New Promise

PM Modi stated, “A new government will be formed after June 4. After forming the government, I will build 3 crore more houses for the poor…” This statement is a clear indication of his commitment to addressing poverty and improving living conditions for the underprivileged. The promise of building 3 crore houses is a massive undertaking that underscores the government’s focus on social welfare.

A Vision for a Prosperous Bharat

The Prime Minister outlined his future plans for a prosperous Bharat, urging the people to continue their support for transformative progress. He remarked, “The work we’ve accomplished in the past 10 years must be taken further in the next 5 years. We will make 3 crore mothers and sisters ‘Lakhpati Didis.’ After forming the government, we will provide new and permanent houses to 3 crore more poor. To eliminate your electricity bills, I’ve launched the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana, for installing solar panels on your homes. You will use the electricity generated at home and earn money by selling the surplus to the government.”

Addressing the Issue of Corruption

PM Modi highlighted the rampant corruption, asking the audience to recognize the stark reality under JMM and Congress rule, “JMM and Congress are looting Jharkhand from all sides. Look around you… beautiful mountains, but Jharkhand is now infamous for its mountains of currency notes. Crores of rupees are being seized. Where is this money coming from? Liquor scams, tender scams, and massive mining scams! This is the reality under JMM-Congress.”


The rally in Dumka, Jharkhand, was a significant event in the run-up to the Lok Sabha Election 2024. PM Modi’s speech, filled with promises of progress and development, has set the tone for the upcoming elections. As the citizens of India await the formation of a new government post-June 4, the promise of 3 crore houses for the poor stands as a beacon of hope for many.

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