Pune Municipal Corporation Demolishes Unauthorized Construction at L3 Bar on FC Road

In a significant development aimed at enforcing building regulations, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) conducted a demolition operation targeting unauthorized construction within the premises of L3 bar on FC Road in Pune. The move comes as part of ongoing efforts to uphold urban planning norms and maintain civic order in the city.

The demolition action was prompted by directives from Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who has taken a firm stance against illegal constructions and activities detrimental to public safety. Chief Minister Shinde recently engaged with the Commissioner of Police (CP) Pune, urging stringent measures against unauthorized pubs and the dismantling of structures violating building codes.

Speaking directly to CP Pune, Chief Minister Shinde emphasized the importance of enforcing the law rigorously to curb illegal activities and uphold the rule of law. His directives also included intensifying efforts to combat drug peddling activities in Pune, with the aim of transforming the city into a drug-free zone.

The demolition at L3 bar on FC Road marks a proactive step by the PMC in compliance with state government directives. It underscores the administration’s commitment to maintaining urban aesthetics and safety standards, while also sending a strong message to establishments flouting regulatory norms.

Local residents and stakeholders have welcomed the PMC’s action, expressing relief over the authorities’ swift response to address concerns related to unauthorized constructions and illegal activities in Pune. The move is expected to set a precedent for stricter enforcement of building regulations across the city.

As the city administration continues its efforts to enhance urban governance and ensure public welfare, further actions are anticipated to align with Chief Minister Shinde’s vision of a well-regulated and secure urban environment in Pune.

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