Union Minister Nitin Gadkari Reviews Odisha’s National Highway Projects in High-Level Meeting

Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, convened a crucial meeting in Delhi today to assess the status of ongoing National Highway projects in the state of Odisha. The meeting was attended by Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, Deputy Chief Minister Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo, Pravati Parida, and senior officials from both the central and state governments.

The gathering underscored the significance of accelerating infrastructure development across Odisha’s National Highway network, a key priority for enhancing connectivity and facilitating economic growth in the region. Union Minister Gadkari, known for his proactive approach towards infrastructure projects, emphasized the importance of timely execution and quality implementation of highway initiatives.

During the meeting, detailed discussions centered on project timelines, funding allocations, and strategies to overcome challenges encountered in the execution phase. Gadkari and the Odisha leadership exchanged views on optimizing resources and leveraging technology to expedite project completion while maintaining high standards of construction and safety.

“The progress of National Highway projects in Odisha is crucial for the socio-economic development of the state,” remarked Minister Gadkari, highlighting the government’s commitment to enhancing transport infrastructure as a catalyst for regional development and job creation.

Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi and Deputy CM Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo expressed their appreciation for the central government’s support and reaffirmed Odisha’s commitment to ensuring seamless progress in the execution of highway projects. They outlined the state’s priorities and sought continued cooperation from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to achieve set targets effectively.

The meeting concluded with a consensus on expediting approvals, resolving bottlenecks, and ensuring proactive monitoring of project milestones. Both central and state officials pledged to work in tandem to realize the shared vision of transforming Odisha’s transportation landscape and fostering inclusive growth across the state.

As the review meeting sets the stage for intensified collaboration between the Union Ministry and the Odisha government, stakeholders anticipate accelerated progress in infrastructure development, bolstering connectivity, and improving livelihoods for residents along the National Highway corridors in the state.

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