Western Railway’s Innovative Step: CCTV Cameras for Improved Train Operations

installation of CCTV cameras on the fronts of local trains facing the tracks.

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, Western Railway (WR) has commenced the installation of CCTV cameras on the fronts of local trains facing the tracks. The move is aimed at enhancing the safety and operational efficiency of the rail network.

The CCTV cameras, likened to the function of a black box in an aircraft, have been installed in locomotives and tested on air-conditioned local trains. This marks the first time that such cameras have been put in place on the trains.

WR officials have confirmed that the installation of the Crew Voice And Video Recording System (CVVRS), which includes the CCTVs, is underway. The system comprises three CCTVs that will be installed in the motorman’s cabin, also known as the motor cab.

“One camera will be provided on the front side of the cabin, which will record the tracks, rail lines, technical failures, and overhead equipment,” a senior WR official explained. “In case of an unusual occurrence, this CCTV will help us in our investigation. It will be an effective tool to analyse crew operations.”

The introduction of this technology is expected to significantly enhance the ability of the railway authorities to monitor and manage train operations, thereby contributing to improved safety and efficiency. As the system is rolled out and tested, passengers and crew alike can look forward to a more secure and reliable railway experience.

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